[special_heading title=”TRANSLATION SERVICES” subtitle=”Our translations for different industries and for different types of documents”]
Business services
- Corporate translations
- Legal translations
- Commercial translations
- Industrial translations
- Advertising translations
- Scientific translations
- Pharmaceutical and medical translations
- Journalism translations
- Technological translations
Services for professionals
- Viticultural translations
- Culinary translations
- Literary translations
Services for individuals
- Sworn translations
- University translations
- Educational translations

Our languages
We don´t work with “just” 17 languages, but this (not so reduced) number allows us to do it well. With us, there are no intermediaries nor external translators. Our delivery times are thus shorter and, since all the work is internal, at 9h05 International we can guarantee higher translation quality and better follow-up.
Zone 1
- French
- English
- Spanish
Zone 2
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
Zone 3
- Dutch
- Russian
- Romanian
- Polish
Zone 4
- Catalan
- Galician
- Ecuadorian Kichwa
Zone 5
- Arab
- Hindi
- Norwegian
Zone 6
- Chinese (mandarin)
Why hire us for translations?
- Quality management system that respects the EN-15038:2006 (European Union) and ASTM F2575 (United States) norms. Learn more >
- VeriTrans System platform that allows you to verify the validity and confirm the authenticity of translations, thus assuring an optimum security for your documents. More information: http://security.9h05.com
- Professional translators translating to their mother tongue and specialized in the technical field of the original document.
- Technical consultants specialized in the fields that your documents to be translated deal with.
- Global network in 6 countries on 3 continents, which makes us available almost 24/7. Learn more >
- Transparency throughout the process. Our prices are published online: http://pay.9h05.com
- Use of secure paper and ink with official seals (ink and embossing). Learn more >