
Translation of CV’s

Are you interested in studying abroad, or for a postgraduate degree? Do you want take the plunge and work abroad? Do you own a business that has international clients? In any of these cases, it is advisable to translate your CV into English or into the language of the country you are interested in. And […]

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Bank certificate translations

There are countless embassies, banks, financial institutes, savings and credit cooperatives or even ministries that ask for bank certificates to show sufficient funds for different kinds of paperwork. Bank certificates are usually required for applying a visa, be it for the foreigners in Ecuador or for Ecuadorians abroad. For example, the embassy of the United

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What are informative translations?

CLEAR INFORMATION WITH FEW TECHNICALITIES The hallmark of informative translations are their use of very clear language and information with few technicalities, given that they are addressed to the general public who don’t necessarily have any prior knowledge about the topics discussed. Informative translations are used in many different spheres such as the press, magazines,

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Translation of tourism texts

WITH ITS CAMPAIGN ‘’ALL YOU NEED IS ECUADOR,’’ ECUADOR IS HEADING TOWARD A TOURISM BOOM IN VARIOUS PLACES AROUND THE GLOBE. Data publication clearly shows a continuous increase in the arrival of foreign visitors to the country, with a growth of almost 14% per year in the number of foreign tourists visiting Ecuador. One of

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What are legal translations?

Legal translations are translations of texts related to the legal community. They are translations that do not allow for errors as they could be of grave consequences for you, your business or the business represented. These concern translating legal tools and texts, honoring the rules of origin laid down and transposing them to the terminology

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What are scientific translations?

Scientific translations are those that aim to translate sciences and natural sciences (as opposed to the social sciences) from the source language to other languages. High caliber specialized translations They encompass a wide range of scientific fields, such as mathematics (algebraic and geometric studies), chemistry, physics, biology (natural sciences), neurosciences and all the other areas

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How to register and get a foreign diploma recognized in Ecuador?

There are basically two options in order to your degree, depending on the university in which you studied: Recognition listing (this means that the university that issued the degree appears in the Senescyt list, consequently, the recognition is “automatic”) Recognition through a committee (if the university does not appear in the list, a committee will

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Official translations

WHAT ARE OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS? Depending on the country, they are referred to as legal translations, sworn translations, official translations and certified translations: these involve the translation of a document generally issued by official authorities with the aim of recognizing these documents abroad. For example, an administration will emit a document in Spanish that must be

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What are technical translations?

Technical Translations Technical translations refer to the translation of documents to a high technical level: such as automotive translations, the translation of medical reports and the translation of dosages for medicines (pharmaceutical). We also include under this label the thematic translation of telecommunications (internet, mobile, etc.), electronic and electricity translations, which require in depth knowledge

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Webpages translation

Webpage translations

Do you feel that your international clients can’t reach you due to the limited number of languages of your website? Fear not, at 9h05 Inc. we provide high quality translations from and into a number of languages that’ll help you boost sales by reaching the international market. If you are a business owner, you will

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Bad translations: symptoms

What are the symptoms of a bad translation?

These mainly constitute visible mistakes in the grammar, punctuation and syntax. Sometimes uncertified translators will use terminology incorrectly without checking the precise meanings of certain words/phrases. They may also choose to carry out direct/literal translations, which can be erroneous. The sentence structure and grammar will be too similar to that of their own native language

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